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Sgt. Tera White v. County of Los Angeles, a political subdivision of the State of California; Pat Valdez, an individual; and Does 1 through 100, inclusive; 2011 Jury Verdicts LEXIS 212847

Sgt. Tera White v. County of Los Angeles, a political subdivision of the State of California; Pat Valdez, an individual; and Does 1 through 100, inclusive; 2011 Jury Verdicts LEXIS 212847

BC 399-254

March 17, 2011



Headline: California Court Awards $ 202,700 After Trial In Action By Female Employee Alleging County Employer Sexually Harassed Her And Discriminated Against Her Based On Sex

Party Names


White, Sgt. Tera


County of Los Angeles, a political subdivision of the State of California

Valdez, Pat

Does 1 through 100, inclusive

Topic: Civil Rights – Labor And Employment

Injury: Discrimination; Loss Of Civil Rights; Harassment

Method of Resolution: Trial

Case Resolution: For Plaintiff

All Dates: 10/02/2008 Complaint

12/02/2008 Amended Complaint

03/11/2009 Answer to Amended Complaint

01/19/2011 Jury Trial

02/01/2011 Jury Verdict

03/17/2011 Judgment on Jury Verdict

State: California

Court: California Superior Court, Los Angeles County

Plaintiff Counsel
Okorie Okorocha

Firm Name: California Legal Team

Address: 117 East Colorado Boulevard Suite 465 Pasadena California 91105

Michael F. Baltaxe

Firm Name: Law Offices of Michael F. Baltaxe

Address: 31365 Oak Crest Drive, Suite 220 Westlake Village California 91361

Phone: (818) 889-0050

Defendant Counsel

Tomas A. Guterres

Firm Name: Collins, Collins, Muir & Steward

Address: 1100 El Centro Street South Pasadena California 91030

Phone: (626) 243-1100

Catherine M Mathers

Firm Name: Collins, Collins, Muir & Steward

Address: 1100 El Centro Street South Pasadena California 91030

Phone: (626) 243-1100

Tomas A. Guterres

Firm Name: Collins, Collins, Muir & Steward

Address: 1100 El Centro Street South Pasadena California 91030

Phone: (626) 243-1100

Catherine M Mathers

Firm Name: Collins, Collins, Muir & Steward

Address: 1100 El Centro Street South Pasadena California 91030

Phone: (626) 243-1100

Judge: Yvette M. Palazuelos

Case Summary

Sgt. Tera White was a female employee of the County of Los Angeles in California. Allegedly, White’s supervisor, Lt. Pat Valdez, sexually harassed White by engaging White in sexual conversations, touching White’s body in a sexual manner, attempting to forcibly kiss White and engage her in sexual conduct, calling her personal cell phone, and telling her to meet him off-duty. He also allegedly told White that she would go nowhere in her job if she did not acquiesce to his sexual advances. After White complained to Valdez and the County, she was allegedly retaliated against by being denied a promotion in lieu of a less qualified male and by being given low scores on her promotion tests though her performance on the tests was spectacular. White filed charges of sexual harassment, discrimination, and retaliation with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing.

On Oct. 2, 2008, plaintiff White filed suit against defendants, the County, Valdez, and Does 1 through 100, inclusive, in the Superior Court of the State of California, County of Los Angeles. In an amended complaint on Dec. 2, 2008, White alleged claims under the Fair Employment and Housing Act for sexual harassment in violation of Cal. Gov’t Code $ S 12940(j), sex discrimination in violation of Cal. Gov’t Code $ S 12940(a), retaliation for opposing discrimination and harassment in violation of Cal. Gov’t Code $ S 12940(h), and failure to prevent discrimination and harassment in violation of Cal. Gov’t Code $ S 12940(k).

Defendants answered the complaint, denying the material allegations. The County also asserted that it was a public entity immune from liability, that its actions were taken in accordance with established policies and procedures without discriminatory intent, and that a prompt investigation of White’s complaints resulted in a finding of no evidence of discrimination or retaliation.

A jury trial was held before Judge Yvette M. Palazuelos, beginning on Jan. 19, 2011. The jury returned a special verdict on Feb. 1, 2011 in favor of White, awarding $ 211,700. The court entered judgment on March 17, 2011, awarding $ 202,700.

Award: $ 202,700

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